Client Brief
To update the organisation's annual general report so that it looked modern. 
Concept Development
Before creating the annual report, I conducted research into what other NGOs were doing and made several recommendations to the Communications Director, including:
1. Reducing the number of pages in the document to provide only the pertinent points. 
2. Utilising photographs over illustrations to create a connection to the impactful work the organisation was involved in. 
3. Reducing the use of colours to reduce visual clutter. ​​​​​​​
As the Communication Director was very receptive to these ideas, I incorporated these ideas into the 2022 annual report. 
Visual Outcome
By creating a more contemporary report, I was able to better showcase the organisation's important work. ​​​​​​​

Cover image and inside spreads. 

Additional inside spreads including financials.

*The below is an example of spreads from the 2020 annual report to help provide a point of reference.
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