Problem Statement 
To understand how COVID-19 impacted students at the university by analysing their time spent over one week. ​​​​​​​

Concept Development 
Upon analysing the data in Tableau, it became evident that the COVID-19 pandemic had detrimentally impacted students' mental health. I did this by looking at student's time through four lenses:  
1. An increase in screen time. 
2. Reduced physical socialisation.  
3. Disrupted sleep.  
4. Reduction in casual work hours worked leading to financial stress.
Visual Outcome
Through engaging data visualisations, I created a long-scroll website design to summarise these results. 

Home page introducing the topic. 

Students had an increase in screen time. 

Students had less physical socialisation with their peers and friends. 

Students faced disrupted sleep schedules. 

There was a drop in paid employment during the pandemic. 

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